Wednesday, October 31, 2012


I loved some of these vintage adds that i was looking at to gain inspiration for my water bottle design especially the the ginger-ale ad since its so gingervating- ha-ha. I do love vintage ads there so interesting to look at since they where processed differently way before Photoshop was even created.


These are some of the images that i found when researching retro designs for my water bottle design i'm going to use the mint green as well as the the interesting organic shape that reminds me of a bit of a flattened pac man. These are great inspirations for later projects.


The design for this first water bottle is a very creative approach to creating a marketable design. With the use of color and shape to create a good sense of unity.

These next two though simple in design are also effective the second looks to be something that might have been created as either a example design for a company or a student design i do like how the pure and blue fit nicely into each other and the blue color is quite effective to the name.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

graphic design

I thought this was a really neat idea for an ad to use for ikea. Very tongue in cheek with the use of a book shelf made of books. Since they are a very modern furniture store there colors and choices of books stand out.

graphic design

Both of these ads are creative and slightly strange in the first the hand reaching in to the leg is odd but quite eye catching. With the second the point is made for tide the faces meeting are interesting and colorful. I would keep either ad around for interesting creative inspiration.

graphic design

I had to add this because i found it so amusing simple but strait to the point.  This is why you don't text and drive though it could even be an ad for updating your gps.

graphic design

This was a cutesy design that i found when looking for osaka ads that i was quite drawn to im not exactly sure if it is a real ad or an ad that was designed for just an example. I loved how they added the sumo wrestler as well as the playful food. The colors are really bold and a good example of using a simple color palette to make this ad more cartoony.


I loved the first bottle for its really interesting shape and the availability to stack your bottles which adds for a nice stackable shape in the display and also your fridge. The label is simple but very attractive for the octagonal shape which you don't see to much of in your run of the mill water bottles. With the second this was an interesting approach since the company is city water they used the city map in the bottles design and label. Though im not sure i would want to drink a bottle of water necessarily with that name (nothing against the city doesn't sound as desirable even though most water does not come bottled from a spring either) Its still very creative with a good use of color.


All these water bottles are examples of really interesting shapes of bottles and less of label of design i figured to add them because they where creative. I really love the last bottle design for its weird shape that is something that i would keep around even after the water was gone. This is a good way to advertise as well as the reusable aspect depending on the materials used.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Not that im going to put a face on my water bottle but this is deffinently and interesting ad idea. Put a screaming man on water...There is however a good use of the grey scale.

grapic design

This is just an image i found that fit along with the whole travel ad. I do like the lines of this add the blank area that follows the image that still fits with the sand. There is a good hiarchy with the text leaving the important information in bold. The palm trees follow off the page but it seems to just add a good sense of drama.

graphic design

I picked this ad for its color sceme thats very striking using the red and black with the white making everything really pop. With the spash of red at the top and organic almost Calligraphy stroke leading your eye though the city.

graphic design

When i saw these ads i just thought intersting the white squid being held by the women in white was a real eye catcher. The bold feeling on both makes  for an odd but creative stand out for for what they are trying to propose. The second ad with the women in chocolate was also a part of the same ad compain and i thought was just as striking.

Monday, October 22, 2012


I just decided to add this as a collection of water bottles that i found in my search just to have an idea of what other companies are doing with there designs. Though in the collections i really like the second one down for the use of geometric shapes and flowery inspiration and the color really stands out. 


I selected the first 3 for there very natural appeal I especially love the last with scenes for nature conservation at least the pink and blue bottles. The use of a single color is very striking. 

The last three above i really love for there interesting ideas the first has good flow the second is just interesting that its black water. The last though i think its really simple and pretty with the organic lines wrapping around the top in different color ribbions.

I really like the feel of these bottles with the very textile feel with the complimentary use of color on the labels.


This is maybe the most expensive bottle of water there is out there for $230 dollars you can buy a bottle of Fillico spring water that comes from a company in osaka japan actually. Its from a spring that limits the supplies to an five thousand bottles a month. Just an interesting bottle though i wont be purchasing anytime soon i dont think.

Here is another but its probably less expensive but still has an interesting design.

Now this is an interesting concept the way that its simple but if you would leave a bottle on the shelf side ways the name would wrap still.

Only in japan can you get a cute little creature in your water bottle-

Sunday, October 21, 2012


When i began to look up sculptures and typography i was instantly drawn to these particular ones. I loved how different they are. The first an installation the second a full outdoors sculpture wow i wonder if you could climb underneath it. This would be interesting thing to do as a childs play area.


Well this is another beautiful example of typography to have letters placed on the wall i'm wondering if its done in some kind of composite or cork board. After seeing this i might want to do something like this on my own in cork. Its so very creative and a different decorating idea.


When i saw this image on a random typography search i had to add it here on my blog its such an interesting idea to create a chair from words. It inspires me to create something like this on my own to take typography from paper to other media.


So i believe these are actually rubix cubes- i had to add this since i'm an 80's girl (sadly) so i grew up with them and remember never actually being able to figure them out completely. They have seemed to have gone the way of the dinosaurs. Though this designer has brought them back even though its slightly hard to read its an interesting idea.